OBJECTIVESBCDE authorities make PEOPLE partake in the GOVERNANCE

  • To get feedback from the various stakeholders of the Community on wide variety of issues in the state of AP
  • To interact with representatives of the various bodies or associations working for the welfare of the people belongs to different spectrum of society, to get feedback on Govt schemes, suggestions for improving the Governance in the state.
  • To create awareness to the students of Andhra Pradesh in particular to Higher Education Institutions on different development aspects of the Community.
  • To encourage all the stakeholders viz., University / College Teachers, Students, representatives of NGOs, Government functionaries, Industries, Research Wings, Service Organizations to contribute with their action plans, concept papers, documentaries, handouts, flowcharts, suggestion notes towards the transformation of community to attain better position with respect to sustainable development.



The Board for Community Development through Education is Chaired a State Level Body consisting of reputed personalities in various fields is involved in policy making and in giving suggestions to implement the action plan.

It is covering people from various fields viz.,

Secretary & CEO
Representative from a reputed NGO
Experienced Administrative Officer (Rtd Civil Servant)
An Academician from Professional Colleges
An Academician from Conventional Colleges
Representative from an Industry
An Economist
Legal Professional


    CHAIRMAN, BCDE, Governament of AP
    State Board
    1. Secretary & CEO
      1. District Resource Colleges
      2. VCs of All Universities
        1. Registrars
                1. BCDE AMBASSADORS
                  1. BCDE SOLDIER
      3. District Authorities
        1. DIST DEPT HEADs
          1. RDOs / ZP/ MC
            1. MROs / MPDOs
              1. PANCHAYAT SECY / MANDAL EOs


Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education shall assist the Board for Community Development through Education to take up the surveys, build the required database, through the involvement of educational institutions. APSCHE shall take up the responsibility of identifying the Degree College as an nodal gency for each Mandal. At the next level, the APSCHE will identify a resourceful college to act as the resource centre for a cluster of Mandals and similarly APSCHE will also identify suitable college to function as resource centre for the revenue division and District level resource centre.
APSCHE shall plan for implementation of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to integrate “Community Service Project” as an experiential learning strategy that amalgamate meaningful community service with instruction, participation, learning and community development. Community Service Project involves students in community development and service activities and applies the experience to personal and academic development. Community Service Project is meant to link the community with the focused contribution of the college students fro the village / local development. The college finds an opportunity to develop social sensiblility and responsibility among the students and should emerge as a socially responsible institution.



BCDE University Team will be Chaired by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Co-Chaired by Registrar, supported by Dean CDC, Coordinated by BCDE University Coordinator

Each University shall appoint a dedicated and experienced person in the field of Community Engagement, Community Development programmes planning and executing, as a BCDE University Coordinator, who will be responsible at University level to plan, execute and monitor BCDE activities and other Community engagement programmes within the University and also in all Constituent and Affiliated Colleges through respective BCDE College Coordinator.
BCDE University Coordinator acts as bridge between BCDE State Office and the BCDE College Teams. Information dissemination, data sharing, consolidation of data, executing development projects, report generation and updating dash boards will be taken up by BCDE University Coordinator.


BCDE College Team will be Chaired by Principal, Co-Chaired by Vice Principal, supported by Heads, Coordinated by BCDE College Coordinator. Each College shall appoint a dedicated staff member who is motivated and inclined towards community development, service activities as a BCDE College Coordinator, who will be responsible at college level to plan, execute and monitor through selected student BCDE Ambassadors, all the BCDE activities and other Community engagement programmes by the BCDE Team members of the college.
Each College shall formulate a BCDE College Team, with motivated and committed students towards community development activities, who will be actively participates in all the BCDE activities and motivates and guides other fellow students to adopt best practices for the ultimate community development. Among the members of BCDE College Team, one male and one female student shall be identified as BCDE Student Ambassadors, who will be getting information from the BCDE authorities from various levels, so that shall communicate with all the BCDE Team members for proper dissemination and for perfect execution of the activities.



BCDE State Team led by Chairman BCDE, co-ordinated by Secretary and CEO shall plan, direct the activities and disseminate the required content to all the BCDE University Coordinators.

APSCHE shall assist the Board for Community Development through Education to take up the activities through the involvement of Educational Institutions. It takes up responsibility of identifying a Degree College as a nodal agency for each mandal, a College as Resource Centre for a cluster of Mandals, for the Revenue Division and for the District.
BCDE University Team led by Vice Chancellor, co-ordinated by BCDE University Coordinator shall plan, direct the activities and disseminates the required content to all the BCDE College Coordinators and BCDE Student Ambassadors. BCDE University Team shall co-ordinate with District and/or Revenue Division resource centre during the activities.
BCDE College Team led by Principal, co-ordinated by BCDE College Coordinator shall plan, co-ordinate, guide the activities relevant to Community Engagement, Development inside and outside the college. It shall co-ordinate with Mandal Level Nodal Agency College to cover all the localities of the mandal together by all colleges located in that mandal. BCDE College Team shall co-ordinate with voluntary organizations, citizen forums and village secretariat staff during the activities. Together the trained and motivated students shall visit near by community to identify the needs of the society and shall college information and consolidate the needs and shall submit to BCDE College Team Lead, onward to Nodal Agency College, onward to Divisional or District Level Resource Centre and/or onward to BCDE University Team, onward to BCDE State Team, onward to Govt of Andhra Pradesh.
BCDE University Team shall propose policies and solutions for the felt-needs of the public in its jurisdiction by adding scientific / technological inputs, innovative ideas, and can communicate to the concerned Govt authorities and BCDE State Team. BCDE Teams at all levels shall supplement the ideas and material through capacity building activities, to enable the students taking up the Community Based Projects, Socially Relevant Projects, Surveys, Awareness Programmes.
BCDE State Team shall consolidate all felt-needs and proposed solutions, outcomes and submits periodically to the State Government, which is intended to be used as input information for subsequent policy making and action plan for community development in the state.